hye my name is nor anisa, can call me anisa, anis, or nis or anything u like

Thursday 3 March 2016


Dari apa yang saya baca, web program ni boleh diringkaskan dengan

"Writing the necessary source code to create a Web site. At the very least, it refers to writing the HTML pages also contain JavaScript, and any Web site that provides access to database or any processing for the user requires additional program that run in the Web server. Web server processing is programmed in Java, PHP, Perl and other languages."

Wednesday 2 March 2016


nama saya anisa. saya berasal dari klang selangor. saya seorang pelajar di universiti teknikal malaysia melaka dan saya ambil course in diploma of information and technology.

saya ada ambil subjek web programming. Web programming ialah satu subjek yang agak menarik sebenarnya.